6 五月




1. Berczy 社区毗邻大型高尔夫球场,自然环境优美,远离城市的喧嚣。

2. 学区,特鲁多中学Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School, 安省排名12/739;

3. Berczy 社区房屋类型多样,房龄较年轻,房源丰富,交易活跃。

4. 交通四通八达 5. 不得不说的巨大公园Berczy Park!!!

本期视频主要展示Berczy Park. The south has a baseball field, a larger playground, a skatepark, a basketball court, two more tennis courts, and another soccer field. To the north, you have three soccer fields, two tennis courts, a playground, a running track, a gazebo, and a water park.